Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Data Export

In order to export your analytics data for use in other Business Intelligence tools you can do so using two different methods: pulling data via the analytics events API endpoint, or pushing the data to external services using scheduled jobs.

Integrations for the following services are provided out of the box:

Events API Endpoint

This approach requires requests to be authenticated. The simplest and most secure way to do this is using an application password. You can create one from your profile page in the admin.

API Endpoint

GET /wp-json/analytics/v1/events/<YYYY-MM-DD>


  • format: one of "csv" or "json", defaults to "json".
  • chunk_size: the number of records to output at a time in the streamed response. A lower number will yield results more quickly but may encounter errors if you have a lot of records. A higher number will yield results more slowly and may result in a timeout or memory issues. Defaults to 3000, max value is 10000.

Using cURL

To download data in CSV format for a given day using cURL and an application password use the command below with the following replacements:

  • <YYYY-MM-DD> should be replaced with your target date
  • <username> should be the user name you created the application password for
  • <password> should be your application password
curl -o <YYYY-MM-DD>.csv \
  -u "<username>:<password>" \

Data Export Schedule

Altis can periodically poll raw analytics data and make them available for integrations with external Business Intelligence (BI) tools. The polling happens every 10 minutes (by default) and handles a maximum of 100 files per run. The process continues from where it left off on the previous run.

The process happens in the background as a scheduled job, which means there is no performance impact on end users.

This export only runs if an integration is actively subscribing to it, to avoid unnecessary processing of data.

Action and filter hooks.


Toggle the feature on/off. Worth noting that the feature will be inactive unless a service uses the altis.analytics.export.data.process action hook.


add_filter( 'altis.analytics.export.cron.enabled', '__return_false' );


Control the interval of the scheduled job, expects a WordPress cron schedule name. See cron_schedules filter for more information. Defaults to 10 minutes.


add_filter( 'altis.analytics.export.cron.frequency', function() : string {
    return 'hourly';
} );


Use this action to send logs from processing the data via email or any notifications service.


  • message: Text content of the log message.
  • level: Level of the error message, following PHP error levels.


namespace Acme;

add_action( 'altis.analytics.export.log', 'Acme\log_analytics_messages' );

function log_analytics_messages( string $message, int $level ) : void {
    // Email the log message, or post to Slack for example.


Trigger exporting the raw analytics data to your external BI service.


  • data: NDJSON formatted string containing a batch of events separated by new lines.


namespace Acme;

add_action( 'altis.analytics.export.data.process', 'Acme\process_analytics_data' );

function process_analytics_data( string $data ) : void {
    // push the data to external BI tool


Use this action to trigger exporting the raw analytics data to your external BI service.

This might be useful if you are generating a lot of data, resulting in a lag, and need to process it more quickly.


add_filter( 'altis.analytics.export.max.files', function() : string {
    return 200;
} );