Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Data Structure

All analytics data is in the form of event records stored in Elasticsearch on a set of indexes called analytics-YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD represents the year, month and day of the data within each index.

New indexes are automatically created every day.

Key Concepts

The are two key concepts to understand the analytics data itself:

  • Endpoints
    • Persistent data
    • Correspond to a unique device & browser combination
    • Can be associated with a known user account via the endpoint.User.UserId property. This is done automatically for logged in users.
    • Updated via the Altis.Analytics.updateEndpoint() function
  • Events
    • Point in time data specific to the current URL or user action
    • Has to be of a specific "type" eg. "pageView"
    • Can have custom attributes and metrics
    • Created via the Altis.Analytics.record() function

The most important thing to note is that the endpoint data is merged into events, not provided when recording the events.


In order to protect your users privacy it is vital to follow these guidelines to get the most out of the built-in integration with the Altis Privacy module Consent feature.

  • Event attributes and metrics should only contain data related directly to the event or URL
  • Endpoint attributes and metrics should only ever contain broad demographic data used for creating audiences
  • Any personally identifiable information or other private user data that needs to be tracked should be stored as user attributes under the endpoint.User.UserAttributes property

The endpoint.User.UserId value is automatically populated for logged in users, however, if users have not consented to the statistics category of cookies the user ID and user attributes are not recorded. Only statistics-anonymous consent is opted into by default.

You can learn more about privacy with Altis Native Analytics here.

Anatomy of an Event Record

A user session covers every event recorded between opening the website and closing it. For every event recorded the following data is recorded depending on the scope.

  • event_type: The type of event recorded, eg. pageView, click, _session.start or _session.stop.
  • event_timestamp: The timestamp in milliseconds of when the event was recorded on the site.
  • attributes: An object of key value pairs. Values must be a single string.
    • date: ISO-8601 standard date string.
    • session: Unique ID across all page views.
    • pageSession: Unique ID for one page view.
    • url: The current page URL.
    • hash: The current URL hash.
    • referer: The page referer.
    • network: The current network's primary URL.
    • networkId: The current network's Id.
    • blog: The current site URL.
    • blogId: The current blog ID.
    • qv_utm_campaign: The Urchin Tracker campaign from the query string if set.
    • qv_utm_source: The Urchin Tracker source from the query string if set.
    • qv_utm_medium: The Urchin Tracker medium from the query string if set.
    • qv_*: Any query string parameters will be recorded with the prefix qv_.
    • Any attributes added via the altis.analytics.data.attributes filter.
    • Any attributes added via Altis.Analytics.registerAttribute() or passed to Altis.Analytics.record().
  • metrics: An object of name and value pairs. Values must be numbers.
    • scrollDepthMax: Maximum scroll depth on page so far. Percentage value between 1-100.
    • scrollDepthNow: Scroll depth at time of event. Percentage value between 1-100.
    • elapsed: Time elapsed in milliseconds since the start of the page view.
    • day: The day of the week, 1 being Sunday through to 7 being Saturday.
    • hour: The hour of the day in 24 hour format.
    • month: The month of the year.
    • Any metrics added via Altis.Analytics.registerMetric() or passed to Altis.Analytics.record().
  • endpoint
    • Id: A unique UUID for the endpoint.
    • Address: An optional target for push notifications such as an email address or phone number.
    • OptOut: The push notification channels this visitor has opted out of. Defaults to "ALL".
    • Attributes: An object of name and value pairs. Values must be a string or array of strings.
    • Metrics: An object of endpoint metrics. This might be used for data like lifetime value.
      • sessions: Number of separate browsing sessions for this endpoint.
      • pageViews: Total number of page view events recorded for this endpoint.
    • Demographic
      • AppVersion: Current application version, can be provided via the altis.analytics.data filter.
      • Locale: Locale code of the endpoint, derived from the browser.
      • Make: Make of the current browser / browser engine eg. "Blink".
      • Model: Model of the current browser eg "Chrome"
      • ModelVersion: Browser version.
      • Platform: The device operating system.
      • PlatformVersion: The operating system version.
    • Location
      • Country: The endpoint's country if known / available.
      • City: The endpoint's city if known or available.
    • User
      • UserAttributes
        • Any custom attributes associated with the user if known.
      • UserId: An ID associated with the user in your application. Useful for linking endpoints across devices.
  • session
    • session_id: Persists for a subsession, triggered by page visibility changes. Recorded with _session.start and _session.stop events.
    • start_timestamp: Time in milliseconds when the subsession started. Recorded with _session.start events.
    • stop_timestamp: Time in milliseconds when the subsession ended. Recorded with _session.stop events.
    • duration: Duration in milliseconds for a subsession. Recorded with _session.stop events.

It is important to note that when referencing these fields in a query to use dot notation for nested properties. For example attributes.date or endpoint.Demographic.Model. When querying string values you should use the .keyword suffix whenever exact matches are required.