Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Nginx Configuration

Altis Cloud uses Nginx within your web containers. For advanced customization we support additional Nginx configuration via the project codebase.

Note: Custom configuration will only apply to traffic served by the web container, which does not include media or tachyon (see the architecture diagram for more information). Specifically, any URLs beginning with /uploads/ or /tachyon/ are routed directly to S3 and Tachyon directly.

Server Configuration

Custom configuration can be supplied in Nginx either within the server {} context, or the http {} context.

Nginx loads the following custom files from your project repository:

  • .config/nginx-http-additions.conf: Loaded into the http context
  • .config/nginx-additions.conf: Loaded into the server context

An optional suffix can be specified before the extension to split your configuration in complex cases.

Internally, the Altis nginx configuration looks like:

http {
    include /usr/src/app/.config/nginx-http-additions*.conf;

    # Other nginx setup:
    include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    # ...

    server {
        listen 80;
        root /usr/src/app;

        include /usr/src/app/.config/nginx-additions*.conf;

        location / {
            # ...

        # Other location blocks:
        # ...


Developers can use this advanced configuration to do complex redirect, rewrites or other server-level routing.

For example, if you want to redirect a specific domain to a new domain and for some reason not able to do this at the PHP / application layer:


if ( $host = "example.com" ) {
    rewrite ^ https://sub2.example.com$request_uri? permanent;

Alternatively, if you have one or more local files in your repository you wish to explicitly block from being publicly accessed you may manually configure a 404 for a specific resource or filename pattern:

# Block access to any file entitled `config.local.yaml`.
location ~* config.local.yaml {
    deny all;
    return 404;