Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Migrating from HM Platform

This guide covers how to migrate a HM Platform site to Altis.

Before You Begin -- Database Configuration

Altis uses the utf8mb4 MySQL database character set. It's important to check the charset configuration of the site you're migrating from and update it before importing the database into Altis to prevent data corruption.

Setup Composer

If the project does not already have a composer.json in the root of the repository, you should run composer init from the project root. This will prompt you fill out the required fields. For now, don’t bother adding any dependencies. If you already have a composer.json move to Remove Dependencies.

Remove Dependencies

We’ll need to remove all the dependencies that are part of Altis, as those will be installed by Altis itself. Firstly, remove any submodules that are included in Altis. For example, wordpress and hm-platform submodules. To correctly remove a submodule:

  1. git submodule deinit -f wordpress
  2. git rm -rf wordpress
  3. rm -rf .git/modules/wordpress

Do the same for hm-platform if you have this project dependency. Altis also includes the following WordPress plugins, so if your project uses git submodules or composer to include them, you should remove them from your project (unless you plan to disable the Altis module that makes use of the plugin, and continue with the plugin directly):

  • altis-reusable-blocks
  • asset-loader
  • aws-analytics
  • aws-rekognition
  • aws-ses-wp-mail
  • aws-xray
  • batcache
  • browser-security
  • cavalcade
  • consent
  • consent-api
  • clean-html
  • debug-bar-elasticpress
  • delegated-oauth
  • elasticpress
  • hm-gtm
  • hm-redirects
  • ludicrousdb
  • meta-tags
  • query-monitor
  • require-login
  • safe-svg
  • simple-local-avatars
  • smart-media
  • stream
  • s3-uploads
  • tachyon-plugin
  • two-factor
  • wordpress-seo
  • wp-redis
  • wp-simple-saml
  • wp-user-signups

Move wp-config.php

Installing Altis will replace your wp-config.php so you should back it up if you have application level configuration in your wp-config.php.

Installing Altis

Now you have your composer project up and running, it’s time to add Altis to the project by running the following command:

composer require altis/altis

Once Altis has been installed, you should see the wordpress directory back in the project root, a new wp-config.php and index.php. Add these 3 files to your project's .gitignore file, as they should not be committed to version control. If your project had no .gitignore file, one will have been created for you.


If you run into any package version conflicts you can try the following steps:

  1. Remove existing vendor directory and composer.lock if present and try again
    • Mac / Linux: rm -rf vendor composer.lock
    • Windows: rmdir vendor && del composer.lock
  2. Run composer show <package> on the conflicting package to see where it's required and try rolling back to an older version until it works
  3. If you still face issues raise a support request with a copy of the composer output

Restore site configuration

If you have any custom configuration in your old wp-config.php (such as custom PHP constants, etc. You will need to put them into a new file outside of wp-config.php (as changes to this file are not allowed). It’s possible your project already has the configuration split out into a .config directory, but if not, create a file at .config/load.php.

Only copy across constants that your custom code actually needs. There should be no database constants, or any other WordPress type constants. If you have these already in your .config directory, you should delete those.

The .config/load.php file will be automatically included from the generated wp-config.php.

Migrate $hm_platform options (when applicable)

In your old wp-config.php you’ll see there is a global $hm_platform that sets options for hm-platform. Only migrate anything that you specifically need to, as most likely Altis will have better defaults. In rare cases though, things will be disabled for good reason. In Altis, most of the same settings are supported, but it’s now done via the composer.json for configuration (as is all Altis configuration). You should be familiar with Altis configuration before continuing. $hm_platform options should go in the altis.modules.cloud section of the extra block in the composer.json.

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"cloud": {
					"batcache": false

Remove the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant

The SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant is not required any more but may have been present in your old wp-config.php file. WordPress will handle subdomain, subdirectory and custom domain names without this constant set. To accommodate this Altis has a modified "Add New Site" page in the network admin to allow you to choose from the different types of URL.

If you still require this constant for any reason then you must wrap it in a check to see if WordPress is in its initial installation step:

if ( ! defined( 'WP_INITIAL_INSTALL' ) || ! WP_INITIAL_INSTALL ) {
	define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true );

Ensure SUNRISE is not defined during install

The SUNRISE constant puts WordPress into multisite mode which will cause problems during the initial installation.

If your site uses sunrise.php update the code where you define SUNRISE like so:

if ( ! defined( 'WP_INITIAL_INSTALL' ) || ! WP_INITIAL_INSTALL ) {
	define( 'SUNRISE', true );

Rename content/plugins-mu to content/mu-plugins

Altis uses the standard WordPress must-use plugins directory of content/mu-plugins so if your project is using something different, it should be renamed.

Add composer install to the build script

If your project was not previously using composer, you'll need to add a composer install --no-dev to your project's .build-script. Simply add the following line to your .build-script or create that file if it doesn't already exist.

composer install --no-dev

Setup the local server

To install the Docker development environment run:

composer require --dev altis/local-server

To start the docker server run composer server start. You should now be able to see the site at https://my-project.altis.dev where "my-project" is the project directory name.

Docker alternative

If you are unable to use Docker on your computer, consider trying a GitHub Codespaces environment, which makes it possible to spin up a complete Altis development environment within your browser, without having to install any additional software on your computer.

Migrating from a single site install

Altis is always configured to be a WordPress multisite, as such any sites that are not installed as multisite already, will need converting via the multisite-convert WP CLI command. Note that you will need to do this on your Cloud environments after deploying.

To convert an existing single site to a multisite install run the following command:

wp core multisite-convert

# On Local Server
composer server cli core multisite-convert

Important: Part of the conversion process will reset your main site's permalink structure. You should reset this via the admin Permalinks page immediately.

Once you have reset the permalink structure you should flush the cache:

wp cache flush

# On Local Server
composer server cli cache flush

There are several key differences between a single site and a multisite install:

  • Network admin area for creating and managing sites
  • Network level administration of themes and plugins
  • Super admin role for Network Admin access
  • Users can be members of any number of sites
  • Users can be removed from a given site rather than deleted

See the WordPress Multisite Network Administration guide for more detail.

Migrating email sending domain

It's quite possible your project specifies the wp mail sending domain via the wp_mail_from hook. This can now be specified as setting in the composer.json's extra.altis.modules.cloud.email-from-address setting:

	"modules": {
		"cloud": {
			"email-from-address": "webmaster@mydomainname.com"

Optionally disable Altis branding

As this guide is for migrating a non-Altis project to use Altis, it's possible the client relationship and understanding does not warrant changing anything visible or user-facing. If you are sure this is an "under the hood" migration, and the client has not been on-boarded with Altis as a brand, you can disable the branding via the altis.modules.cms.branding setting:

	"modules": {
		"cms": {
			"branding": false

Optionally disable Altis features

There are some features of Altis that are user-facing and default-on that you might want to audit. For example, image lazy loading via Guassholder is on by default. Smart Media with Cropping UI is enabled by default. You should consult the Altis documentation for the behavior of specific modules. Again, unless there is specific reason to disable feature and modules, we recommend keeping them on.

Any module can be disabled by setting its enabled setting to false:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"seo": {
					"enabled": false

Deploying to Cloud

The first time Altis is deployed, depending on the exact configuration, there may be tasks to perform on deploy:

  • Multisite conversion
  • Resetting permalinks
  • Running the wp altis migrate command

As always, be sure to test the migration and deployment in development or staging environments before rolling out to production.