Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Upgrading to v2

If you are migrating an existing install to Altis check out the migrating guide first.

To upgrade to Altis v2, edit your composer.json and change the version constraint for altis/altis to ^2.0.0:

	"require": {
		"altis/altis": "^2.0.0"

Note: due to an issue in how Composer handles installation, some components of Altis may be installed in the wrong location. If you experience this, run composer update a second time.

Breaking Changes

There are no known breaking changes in version 2.

Headline Features

Native Analytics (Analytics module)

Altis now provides a native analytics layer built upon the Altis Cloud infrastructure. This provides numerous benefits, not only from the perspective of GDPR, privacy and owning your data but also enables powerful features including real time stats, A/B testing and personalization.

Analytics is enabled by default and provides APIs for you to use. Consult the Native Analytics documentation for information about the available APIs.

Experiments (Analytics module)

Altis v2 adds a web experimentation framework built upon Native Analytics. Experiments provides features such as A/B testing for editorial teams to test the effectiveness of their content, and an extensible API for creating custom tests.

Experiments is enabled by default, and adds a new sidebar into the post editing screen. Altis v2 includes A/B testing for post titles out-of-the-box, and additional experiments can be built for your specific needs. The Experiments documentation has information on creating experiments or customizing the built-in ones.

Publication Checklist (Workflow module)

Altis now includes a Publication Checklist feature, allowing you to ensure conditions are met before publishing. This is fully customisable for your workflow.

The Publication Checklist feature is enabled out-of-the-box, but has no effect until you add checks. Consult the Publication Checklist documentation to discover how to create checks.

Other User Features

Google Site Verification (SEO module)

You can now manage your site verification with the Google Search Console without requiring codebase changes. See the documentation on how to configure this.

Other Developer Features and APIs

Autoloader Helper (Core module)

An autoloader helper is now included in Altis to simplify autoloading WordPress-style file names (e.g. class-foo.php). See the documentation for Altis\register_class_path().

AWS SDK configuration (Core module)

AWS credentials can now be configured via the configuration system rather than via constants. See the documentation for the modules.core.aws configuration.

Developer Tools is now enabled more widely (Developer Tools module)

The Developer Tools module is now enabled for all non-production environments. This includes staging and development environments running on Altis Cloud, in addition to local environments where it was previously enabled.

To revert to the previous behavior, use environment-specific configuration to disable on all environments except local:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"dev-tools": {
					"enabled": false
			"environments": {
				"local": {
					"modules": {
						"dev-tools": {
							"enabled": true

Local Chassis improvements (Local Chassis module)

Local Chassis now generates a self-signed SSL certificate to allow testing locally with HTTPS. This certificate needs to be installed on your system and on some browsers; consult the HTTPS documentation for more information.

If you have an existing Local Chassis install, a manual step is required to update. Run the following from your project directory:

cd chassis/extensions/platform-chassis-extension
git pull
vagrant provision

Additionally, new convenience commands are available, including composer chassis shell. See the command documentation for full information.

Local Server improvements (Local Server module)

The experimental Local Server module has had major improvements as we continue to work on improving functionality and stability. Full details are available in the Local Server 2.0 Beta 1 release notes.

Configuration improvements (Security and SSO modules)

Two-Factor Authentication can now be configured as part of your Altis configuration rather than via the user interface. This allows managing settings via your codebase workflow. The documentation has been updated to match.

The SAML metadata file can now be configured in your Altis configuration. This allows per-environment metadata files to be specified. See the SAML documentation for more information. Existing metadata files at the legacy config/sso/saml-idp-metadata.xml path will continue to work, however you should switch to using an explicit path in your configuration.