Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Image Recognition

The Media module includes support for automatic image recognition of all images uploaded to the CMS media library. Images are automatically tagged with keywords using machine learning, making all images uploaded to the CMS more discoverable.

This is implementation using the AWS Rekognition plugin and service.

By default automatic image recognition is enabled, but can be specifically disabled by setting the modules.media.rekognition setting to false.

Recognition features


Standard image label detection is enabled by default and provides basic information similar to tags on a piece of content, for example "nature", "aircraft" or "person" and can be searched against.

This data can be accessed via the post meta key hm_aws_rekognition_labels.

Moderation labels

Moderation labels provide information on potential adult content in uploaded images.

This data can be accessed via the post meta key hm_aws_rekognition_moderation.


Face detection provides the location and size of any faces in an image, as well as an ID if associated with a collection. You can learn more about creating a face collection using the AWS SDK here.

This data can be accessed via the post meta key hm_aws_rekognition_faces.


This feature returns data on celebrities recognized in an image. Any successful matches will be used to populate the default image alt text if not already set. The alt text can be updated after it has been set dynamically as well.

This data can be accessed via the post meta key hm_aws_rekognition_celebrities.


Text content can be extracted from uploaded images using this feature. By default it is used to enhance relevancy when searching in the media library.

This data can be accessed via the post meta key hm_aws_rekognition_text.


The features described above can be toggled in your project's composer.json under the extra.altis.modules.rekognition property. The default configuration is shown below:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"media": {
					"rekognition": {
						"labels": true,
						"moderation": false,
						"faces": false,
						"celebrities": false,
						"text": false

Hooks and filters

You can build new features on top of the basic image recognition features either using the data collected by default or by hooking in.


Runs when an image is being processed and receives the AWS Rekognition client object, the attachment ID and the data to pass for the Image parameter. You can use this to do any custom processing such as searching for faces in an existing collection.

add_action( 'hm.aws.rekognition.process', function ( Aws\Rekognition\RekognitionClient $client, int $id, array $image_args ) {
	$known_faces = $client->searchFacesByImage( [
		'CollectionId' => 'ABCDEF123456',
		'FaceMatchThreshold' => 0.9,
		'Image' => $image_args,
	] );

	if ( ! empty( $known_faces['FaceMatches'] ) ) {
		update_post_meta( $id, 'recognised_faces', $known_faces['FaceMatches'] );
}, 10, 2 );

You can find the full documentation for the RekognitionClient object here.


Filters the keywords stored and used to enhance media library search results. Receives the current keyword list, the data returned from built in image processing according to what features are enabled eg. labels, faces etc... and the attachment ID.

This is useful for doing any post processing of the recognition results such as translation.

add_filter( 'hm.aws.rekognition.keywords', function ( array $keywords, array $data, int $id ) {
	$translated_keywords = [];

	// This could be Google translate for example.
	$translation_service = new TranslationService();

	foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) {
		$translated_keywords[] = $translation_service->translate( $keyword, 'fr' );

	return $translated_keywords;
}, 10, 3 );


Similar to the hm.aws.rekognition.keywords filter but allows you modify the generated alt text when none has been set yet.

This can be good for enhancing the default alt text such as in the example below which lists detected celebrities as they appear from left to right in the image.

add_filter( 'hm.aws.rekognition.alt_text', function ( string $new_alt_text, array $data, int $id ) {
	if ( ! empty( $data['celebrities'] ) ) {
		$celebrities = $data['celebrities'];
		uasort( $celebrities, function ( $a, $b ) {
			return $a['Face']['BoundingBox']['Left'] <=> $b['Face']['BoundingBox']['Left'];
		} );
		$names = wp_list_pluck( $celebrities, 'Name' );
		return sprintf( 'From left to right: %s', implode( ', ', $names ) );

	return $new_alt_text;
}, 10, 3 );