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Privacy Settings Page

Out of the box, Altis Consent provides a robust and configurable Privacy Settings page. This page allows you to define policy pages for cookies and privacy, data retention length and the level of user preferences to display, as well as configure the precise wording of your cookie consent banner.

Privacy Settings page

Privacy Policy Page

The first section focuses on the Privacy Policy page itself. The text above explains why setting a Privacy Policy page is important. The precise wording of this information can be altered by a development team. Once a Privacy Policy page is created and set, it can be linked to in menus on the site.

Privacy Policy page setting

The next several controls cover data retention and cookie consent. The first one simply determines whether or not to display a consent banner on the site. This is a global control, but it can be configured in the code if there are specific pages that should or should not display the banner. By default, selecting the "Display Consent Banner" option will display the banner on all pages until consent has been given. If you do not want or need to display a consent banner on your site, this can be set to "Do not display banner" and the other controls around cookie consent on this page can be disregarded.

Display Consent Banner setting

The cookie expiration setting controls how long cookie and local storage data is stored. The default is 30 days. After that period of time, the cookies/local storage will expire and the user will be prompted again to consent to sharing that data. All cookie data registered through the Altis Consent module expires at the same time, to ensure consistency, allow the length of time to be controlled universally in the admin, and prevent any user data from being used after the consent cookie has expired.

Cookie Expiration setting

The Consent Banner Options setting allows an administrator to determine the type of banner to display. By default, there are two options -- display only the choice to accept only functional cookies or all cookies, or additionally allow a site visitor to choose from all the available cookie categories to personalize the type of data they are okay with sharing.

Consent Banner Options setting

The Consent Banner Message setting allows an administrator to set the message that displays on the consent banner. A default is set and used if nothing is changed. The field uses a simple what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor, to allow basic formatting and links to be used without any coding necessary.

Consent Banner Message setting

Like the Privacy Policy page setting, the Cookie Policy page setting allows you to define a page designated for your cookie or data retention policy. This cookie policy page can be referenced within the code once it has been defined.

Cookie Policy Page setting