Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Setup and Reindexing

Altis automatically indexes your content as it changes to keep search indexes in sync with the original data stored in the database. However, some manual steps may need to be performed.


Before data can be indexed, the index "mapping" must be created. This works like a table definition in MySQL, containing a list of fields, their data types, and any field settings. The index mappings can be created by running wp elasticpress put-mapping.

Verifying Mappings

To verify one or all Elasticsearch mappings are as expected, you can use the wp elasticpress get-mapping subcommand. The command will print all mappings as a JSON string, which is in line with how index data is provided.

By passing an optional index name, the response includes mappings for that index only:

wp elasticpress get-mapping --index-name=ep-mysitealtisdev-post-1

To format this in a human-readable way, you may want to pipe the output to a script that allows for pretty-printing JSON, for example, like so:

  • wp elasticpress get-mapping | jq . (see jq)
  • wp elasticpress get-mapping | json (see json)

This also works when executing the WP-CLI command within Local Server from your host:

composer server cli -- elasticpress get-mapping | jq .


Occasionally, a "reindex" may be required. This can occur if data is out of sync in Elasticsearch, if data is updated directly in the database, or when conducting imports.

When making changes the data or analyzers that are stored in the search index, you must re-index the content so all results and search operations are using the new data specification.

Re-indexing is done via CLI commands, as they are potentially long running, high memory usage tasks. To reindex a site, run:

wp elasticpress sync

Note: During the indexing process, the site will not use the Elasticsearch index for searches/queries, so some features like faceting or autosuggest will not work as expected until the process is finished.

Recreating Mappings

If your index mapping changes, the mapping will need to be recreated. This may be needed after an Altis upgrade, when adjusting index settings via filters, or changing language settings.

To re-sychronise the index and update mappings, run:

wp elasticpress sync --setup

To run across the entire network, use xargs with the above command. Given that the user index is a global one, it will be recreated for every single site. This is unnecessary, so you should only recreate this for one (the main) site. You'll also need to create the "network alias", which is a special index which allows cross-site searching.

Overall, this would look like so:

wp site list --field=url | xargs -I % wp elasticpress sync --url=% --setup --indexables=post,term --yes  && wp elasticpress sync --setup --indexables=user && wp elasticpress recreate-network-alias

If you have enhanced search enabled for comments as well, you may want to add comment to --indexables.

Note: Changing the mapping requires deleting the index and recreating it, which will remove all existing documents from your index. Performing this process may take significant time.

CLI Recommendations

Performing across a Network

When performing these tasks across your whole network, we recommend against using the --network-wide flag provided by ElasticPress. When using the --network-wide flag on sufficiently large networks, the CLI process may run out of memory and be killed by the operating system.

To better manage memory, it is recommended to use an xargs pipeline to process each site. wp site list --field=url will print each site URL on a new line, which can then be ingested by xargs to be processed individually.

To perform a reindex across all sites:

wp site list --field=url | xargs -I % wp elasticpress sync --url=%

To recreate mappings across the entire network:

wp site list --field=url | xargs -I % wp elasticpress sync --url=% --setup --indexables=post,term && wp elasticpress sync --setup --indexables=user && wp elasticpress recreate-network-alias

This also recreates the "network alias", which is a special index which allows cross-site searching.

Limiting Page Size

When using CLI to perform re-indexes, it's recommended to set the --per-page argument to a figure around 200. By default, this figure is set to 350 which will often cause service timeouts. For example:

wp site list --field=url | xargs -I % wp elasticpress sync --url=% --per-page=200

See wp help elasticpress for all available CLI commands.

Session Time Limits

To ensure your CLI Session doesn't time out, it is recommended to create a new screen session to run reindexing operations.