Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Basic Authentication

In many instances, the Require Login functionality of Altis is sufficient to block access to websites. However, sometimes, it's desirable to be able to test elements (particularly on development environments) as a logged-out user.

Altis provides support for Basic Authentication access control, which uses standard HTTP Basic authentication to limit access instead of WordPress users.

Note: Require Login only applies to URLs served from your application servers, and will not apply to /uploads/ or /tachyon/ URLs.

Note: Enabling PHP Basic Auth for an environment will prevent it from being indexed with search engines.


By default, Basic authentication is disabled. To enable it, a value must be passed to security.php-basic-auth; either true or an array that includes a username and password.

The recommended setup is to define everything in your composer.json file, including the username and passwords. The same configuration in the manual setup example below could be handled in the Composer file like this:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"security": {
					"php-basic-auth": {
						"username": "altisusername",
						"password": "altispassword"

Note: The authentication username and password must be defined or basic authentication will not be active.

Note: You must specify the username and password in this configuration, even if you are reusing the same username and password in different environments.

You may also want to disable Require Login in this configuration to ensure only one form of authentication is used.

Manual Configuration

Manual setup involves a simpler configuration in your composer.json but an additional step in your configuration. Your Composer file would look like this:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"security": {
					"php-basic-auth": true

This turns on the Basic Auth component, but does not define the username and password. Without the username and password, basic authentication will not be required. To specify the username and password in this configuration, you must add them as PHP constants to a file in the .config/ directory (e.g. .config/load.php or a file required by .config/load.php). The following example is recommended:

if ( in_array( \Altis\get_environment_type(), [ 'staging', 'development' ], true ) ) {
	define( 'HM_BASIC_AUTH_USER', 'altisusername' );
	define( 'HM_BASIC_AUTH_PW', 'altispassword' );


By default, Basic Auth will work on development and staging environments but not local or production environments. These defaults can be overridden in the composer.json file as well, or environment-specific username/password combinations could be defined:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"security": {
					"php-basic-auth": {
						"username": "devuser",
						"password": "devpass"
			"environments": {
				"local": {
					"modules": {
						"security": {
							"php-basic-auth": {
								"username": "altis",
								"password": "altis"
				"production": {
					"modules": {
						"security": {
							"php-basic-auth": {
								"username": "produser",
								"password": "prodpass"