Developer Documentation

Warning: This version of Altis is no longer supported


Getting the Local Server status

To get details on the running Local Server status and containers, run composer server status. You should see output similar to:

        Name                        Command               State                  Ports
my-site_cavalcade_1       /usr/local/bin/cavalcade         Up
my-site_db_1     mysqld      Up>3306/tcp
my-site_elasticsearch_1   / ela ...   Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
my-site_nginx_1           nginx -g daemon off;             Up       80/tcp,>8080/tcp
my-site_php_1             / php-fpm    Up>9000/tcp
my-site_redis_1  redis ...   Up>6379/tcp
my-site_s3_1              fakes3 server --root . --p ...   Up>8000/tcp
my-site_tachyon_1         node server.js --debug           Up>8080/tcp
my-site_xray_1            /usr/bin/xray -b    Up>2000/tcp, 2000/udp

All containers should have a status of "Up". If they do not, you can inspect the logs for each service by running composer server logs <service>, for example, if site_db_1 shows a status other than "Up", run composer server logs db.

Services keep stopping

By default docker machine sets a default memory limit of 2GB for all of your containers. Because of this if your system becomes too busy or you're running multiple instances of local server it is recommended to increase this limit to at least 4GB.

In the docker GUI go to the "Preferences" pane, then the "Advanced" tab and move the memory slider up.

Docker Advanced Settings

ElasticSearch service fails to start

ElasticSearch requires more memory on certain operating systems such as Ubuntu or when using Continuous Integration services. If ElasticSearch does not have enough memory it can cause other services to stop working. The Local Server supports an environment variable which can change the default memory limit for ElasticSearch called ES_MEM_LIMIT.

You can set the ES_MEM_LIMIT variable in 2 ways:

  • Set it globally eg: export ES_MEM_LIMIT=2g
  • Set it for the local server process only: ES_MEM_LIMIT=2g composer server start

Another problem can be related to the Docker Virtual Machine settings. In Linux environments the ElasticSearch container is in production mode and requires the setting vm.max_map_count to be increased. To do this edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following line:


You can also apply the setting live using the following command:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Windows 10 Home Edition

Docker Desktop for Windows uses Windows-native Hyper-V virtualization and networking, which is not available in the Windows 10 Home edition. If you are using Windows 10 Home Edition you will need to use the Local Chassis environment.