Warning: Altis v9 is no longer supported.

Native Analytics

Altis Analytics provides a built in tool for tracking and analyzing user behavior across the site in real time. It is enabled by default but can be switched off via the configuration file:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"analytics": {
					"native": false

Analytics data is stored in an S3 data lake and delivered to Elasticsearch where it is 1-5 minutes behind real-time.

The data is queried from Elasticsearch in the application providing a powerful query language with filtering and aggregations for collecting statistics and other metrics.

Altis Analytics can power features such as popular posts widgets, personalisation and A/B tests.

Data Structure

The highly flexible analytics data set is the engine behind features such as Experience Blocks, audiences and A/B testing.

Learn how the data structured in detail here.

Client Side API

Learn how to use and extend analytics data and audiences in JavaScript here.

Server Side API

Learn how to use and extend analytics data and audiences in PHP here.


Audiences are a powerful tool for driving personalisation and gaining insights through testing and reporting.

Experience Blocks

Experience Blocks not only provide built in editor blocks but also expose the low-level API and HTML markup that powers them.


Discover how Altis helps to respect your visitor's privacy by helping you control how long to keep data for and learning how to process analytics data for long term storage.


Check out the examples to see some real-world uses of the data.