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Providing your website or content in multiple languages for readers is common place on the web. There are several patterns or approaches to providing multilingual content on websites. Altis best supports the pattern of providing users with region based websites, each language with its own website, information architecture, editorial permissions and language specific administrative interface. This approach allows the greatest flexibility in multilingual implementations.

On projects taking a multilingual approach, there are several steps you'll need to take.

Content Translation

All CMS content (content written by editors or contributors using the CMS) is authored on the site created for that specific language. This allows for different editorial teams and information architecture per language. See Translating Content for details on setting up this process.

Codebase Translation

All user-facing strings in the codebase must be translation ready. Static strings that are not part of the CMS authored content (for example, perhaps a search page's heading titled "Found 15 Results") has its own process of translation. See Code Internationalization for details and instructions.

Installing Languages

Altis is translated into many languages. This includes the administrative interface and all user-facing strings that will be displayed on the front-end of the website. See Installing Languages for instructions.