Warning: Altis v16 is no longer supported.

Team Management

Managing who can access Altis Environments is done via the Altis Dashboard.

Once you've logged into the Dashboard, you may already have access to one or more Altis Instances. Select the Instance you wish to manage access to from the available list of instances. In the screenshot below, we'll select the Altis Demo Instance.

Example List of Instances

Once we've selected an Instance select the Teams button on the sidebar on the left, as shown below.

Teams button location

View of teams panel

You'll now be presented with an Email Address field, and Role field. More on Roles below. Supply the user email you wish to add, and an appropriate role.

Adding a member to the team provides access to all Environments within that Instance.

Once an invitation goes out, a confirmation link must be clicked by the recipient to accept your invitation. Once they do, they'll be added to the list of users with access to that Instance. You can revoke access at any time, by clicking the red X by their name on the teams panel.

List of Roles

There are three Roles to select from.


User access provides a read view of all the Environments in an Instance. Users can do things like, view recent deploys for Environments, view metrics on Environments, access and create support tickets, etc.


In addition to above, Developer access allows the use of developer tools such as accessing XRay, performing deployments, creating CLI Sessions, etc.


Admins can do all of the above, as well as manage Instance access.