Private Dependencies

Altis automatically configures the build server to access your primary repository (the one you provided when your first environment was created).

If you need to add additional private dependencies to your environment, further configuration will be required.

This configuration is not necessary for public repositories. If you experience permission errors with public repositories, ensure you are using a https://host/repo.git URL for your repository rather than the git@host:repo format.

GitHub is the only officially supported repository host, however it is possible to successfully use dependencies from other hosts.

Note: Altis Support is unable to assist with configuring access to private dependencies on third-party hosts.

Private Composer repositories

Composer supports authentication via HTTP Basic Auth or bearer tokens which can be used for your private dependencies.

In some cases, such as license keys or other unimportant tokens, you can commit these directly to your composer.json or auth.json file, per Composer's documentation.

For authentication which must be kept secret, you can use build secrets to store the authentication keys or tokens. These will be available in your build script as environment variables, which you can then use to configure Composer.

You can either set multiple secrets (one per domain) and configure them in your build script, or set a single auth variable. We recommend setting multiple variables unless you have strict security requirements.

Multiple secrets

With multiple secrets, you set one secret for each auth token, and tell Composer to use the appropriate one for each domain you use. This requires setting the configuration for each domain in your build script, using the composer config command.

This is the easiest method, however does mean your secrets are temporarily stored on the filesystem, so is strictly less secure than the single secret method.

For example, if you have a private repository at which takes a bearer token of abcd1234:

  1. Add your private authentication token as a build secret

  2. In your build script, set the Composer authentication key for this domain. For example, if you set your build secret with the name EXAMPLE_AUTH:

    composer config "$SECRET_EXAMPLE_AUTH"

    This must be set before your composer install command.

  3. (Optional) Clean up the auth.json file after installation (rm auth.json). This must be run after your composer install command.

Note: composer config writes configuration items to the auth.json file in your working directory. This directory is persisted across builds as part of the build cache, so for security, you may wish to delete this file.

Single secret

Composer provides a single $COMPOSER_AUTH variable to configure authentication for all external repositories, using the same format as auth.json.

This is more secure, as the value is never written to the filesystem, but may be hard to manage as the complex secret value cannot be retrieved once set.

For example, if you have a private repository at which takes a bearer token of abcd1234, your COMPOSER_AUTH variable would look like:

    "bearer": {
        "": "abcd1234"

To use this:

  1. Add this whole JSON configuration as a single build secret

  2. In your build script, tell Composer to use this secret by setting COMPOSER_AUTH. For example, if you set your build secret with the name EXAMPLE_AUTH:


    This must be set before your composer install command.


If you have dependencies in private GitHub repositories, you can use the pre-configured Altis accounts to provide access to these.

To use these repositories, provide the @humanmade-cloud user with read access to the repository using GitHub's access management tools.


If you have dependencies in private Bitbucket repositories, you will need to configure access manually.

We recommend following Composer's configuration guide for Bitbucket repositories. In particular, note the following:

  • Composer requires the use of https repository URLs for Bitbucket authentication.
  • Bitbucket authentication must be set up following the instructions for Composer
    • Note that when applying this configuration, this must be saved into the auth.json file within your repository; i.e. do not use the --global option.

If you must use URLs (SSH URLs), you will need to follow the guide below for other Git hosts.

Other Git hosts

For other Git hosts, you will typically need to set up SSH access keys to access these servers. This will require creation of a private key for this purpose and configuring the external service.

Note: You may not use the pre-configured Altis authentication keys for these purposes. Any attempt to access these keys is a violation of the terms of service, and will lead to account termination.

As Altis already provisions keys onto the build server, you will need to add a secondary set of SSH keys, and configure SSH (used by Git and Composer) to use them.

  1. Generate a new SSH key pair locally. We recommend these instructions from GitHub. Please note that this key pair must not have a passphrase set. This will create a new file called id_rsa or similar; this is your private key.

  2. Add this private key as a build secret

    Note: If your key is longer than 4096 characters, you will not be able to store it in a build secret. Instead, you can store a shorter secret and use this to encrypt your key, then commit this file to your repository - .config is a convenient place to put this file.

  3. Configure the Git host to provide access to your private dependencies using this key; these instructions depend on your Git host.

  4. In your build script, write the private key file and set the permissions to avoid any warnings from SSH.

    For example, if your key file is stored as a secret called BITBUCKET_KEY:

    echo "$SECRET_BITBUCKET_KEY" > ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key
    chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key

    These steps must be before your composer install or any Git step.

  5. Register the key with SSH.

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key

    This step must be before your composer install step, and after the key is copied into place.

    SSH will now be able to use your key to connect to your Git host.

  6. (Optional) Delete the key from the filesystem to clean it up.

    rm ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key

For example, your build script may look like:

echo "$SECRET_BITBUCKET_KEY" > ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key
ssh-add ~/.ssh/bitbucket_key
composer install

Composer should now be able to install your private dependencies from the other Git hosts.

Note: Altis Support is unable to assist with configuring access to private dependencies on third-party hosts.