Upgrading to v20

If you are migrating from WordPress to Altis, check out the migrating guide first.

To upgrade to Altis v20, edit your composer.json and change the version constraint for altis/altis and any local environment modules to ^20.0.0.

    "require": {
        "altis/altis": "^20.0.0"
    "require-dev": {
        "altis/local-server": "^20.0.0"
    "config": {
        "platform": {
            "php": "8.2"

Once you have made these changes, run composer update and then run the wp altis migrate command:

# For cloud environments
wp altis migrate

# For local server
composer server cli -- altis migrate

Breaking Changes

Changes to the Altis platform

Altis dev tools now come with wp-browser 4.x and Codeception 5.x This upgrade has some breaking changes. Please refer to the wp-browser release notes and Codeception release post


We have added experimental support for PHP 8.3. This is not yet recommended for production use but you can test your code with PHP 8.3 in Local Server.

Refer to our PHP Version Guide for up-to-date compatibility, testing and upgrading information.

Headline Features


Altis now supports running Node.js applications alongside WordPress, utilizing WordPress as a headless API. See our Node.js documentation for more information. This is an experimental feature, you can enable it in Local Server, and we welcome feedback.

WordPress 6.6.1

WordPress 6.6 brings lots of new features, bug fixes, and improvements across the board. In particular, there are improvements in performance and accessibility, and new features and updates for the block editor (Gutenberg) and the block API. There have been theming improvements of interest to theme developers and designers.

For developers, the Options API has been improved again, allowing more flexibility in fine-tuning your application performance. WordPress 6.6 also drops support for PHP7.0 and 7.1 but given Altis doesn't support PHP 7 at all, this will not affect your Altis sites. A number of new filter and action hooks have been added and improvements to modernise the code and apply coding standards have been made.

See the WordPress 6.6 Field Guide for more information.

Altis Core improvements

Altis dev tools now come with wp-browser 4 and Codeception 5. This brings full support for PHP 8+, as well as improvements to both tools. See the wp-browser release notes and Codeception release post

Local server now supports TablePlus as well as Sequel Ace.

We have incorporated many updates to modules and libraries in Altis to bring in important bug fixes and improvements.


Our developer focused documentation has been improved again. As usual, feedback from our customers and partners is always welcome. Please send us any feedback you have.